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How to save data on online server using MVVM pattern in android

I am making an app using MVVM design pattern.Initially I tried adding data in offline database.Now I want to save data to online server.

Below is my code for offline data storage:


public interface NoteDao {

void insert(Note note);

@Query("SELECT * FROM My_notes ORDER BY id DESC")
LiveData<List<Note>> getAllNotes();



public class NotesviewModel extends AndroidViewModel {

private NoteRepository noteRepository;
private LiveData<List<Note>> allNotes;

public NotesviewModel(@NonNull Application application) {

    noteRepository = new NoteRepository(application);
    allNotes = noteRepository.getAllNotes();

public void insert(Note note){


public LiveData<List<Note>> getAllNotes(){

    return allNotes;


public class NoteRepository {

private NoteDao noteDao;
private LiveData<List<Note>> allNotes;

public NoteRepository(Application application){

    DatabaseSingleton db = DatabaseSingleton.getInstance(application);
    noteDao = db.noteDao();
    allNotes = noteDao.getAllNotes();

public void insert(Note note){

    new InsertNoteAsyncTask(noteDao).execute(note);

public LiveData<List<Note>> getAllNotes(){

    return allNotes;

private static class InsertNoteAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Note,Void,Void>{

    private NoteDao noteDao;

    private InsertNoteAsyncTask(NoteDao noteDao) {

        this.noteDao = noteDao;

    protected Void doInBackground(Note... notes) {

        return null;


 submit.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {


private void saveNote(){

    String str1 = title.getText().toString();
    String str2 = description.getText().toString();

    if(str1.equals("") || str2.equals("")){

        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Field cannot be empty",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

        Intent i = new Intent(AddNotes.this,MainActivity.class);



protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, @Nullable Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

    if(requestCode == ADD_NOTE && resultCode == RESULT_OK){

        if(data != null){

            String title = data.getStringExtra("title");
            String desc = data.getStringExtra("desc");

            Note mynote = new Note(title,desc);

            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Note saved",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Unable to save note",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

In the MainActivity I am getting data from AddNotes Activity using startActivityForResult method.I want to know how can I modify my code so that I can add data to the online server. Someone please guide any help would be appreciated.


Create 2 repository

  1. NoteRepositoryLocal
  2. NoteRepositoryLive

As your code NoteRepositoryLocal similar to NoteRepository Add a new Repository for API call. (Implement okhttp and retrofit for API call in your project)

In your ViewModel, there are two methods call.


I am not adding NoteRepositoryLive related code. If you have a problem let me know.

Hope this answer helps you :)

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