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How do I get a Powershell process that was opened by another Powershell process?

I am running multiple PowerShell scripts at once. I would like to be able to wait on certain ones to finish before opening new scripts. Basically, I was thinking if I could find the command line option that ran it something like " powershell.exe -Path "<script dir> " that would do it.

I tried doing a Get-Process | gm Get-Process | gm to find any parameters that I could call to get that information and I didn't see any (doesn't mean they aren't there) I tried looking through Task Manager to see if I could view something through the gui that I could link to but that didn't help either.

I hope I can get something like

Start-Process -FilePath ".\<script>.ps1" -ArgumentList "<args>"
    sleep 10
until ((Get-Process -ProcessName "PowerShell" | where "<paramater>" -EQ ".\<script>")

I need to wait until that process is done but I don't want to put a wait at the end of the Start-Process because after that Start-Process kicks off I need some other items to go to while my .\\ is running. I just need it to wait before another section of script kicks off.

Have a look at the "Job" cmdlets https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_jobs?view=powershell-6

And the $PID automatic variable, this will give the process ID of the current PowerShell session.

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