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Get if a rolling window is increasing or decreasing

I have a panda's DataFrame and I would like to calculate for each interval of a moving window along one of its columns whether the data inside that interval is increasing or decreasing. For increasing/ decreasing I mean to calculate the sign of the last element minus the first element.

For now I have this solution:

sign = data['col'].rolling('5d').apply(lambda x: np.sign(x[-1] - x[0]))

The problem of this implementation is that it's extremely slow for long Series. Do you have a solution that uses builtin, optimised functions?

If your 'col' values are uniformly sampled you can apply something similar to below.

col = pandas.Series([1,-1,0,3,5,21,7,4,67,4,3,6,8,5,4])
sign = np.sign(col.values[0:-5] - col.values[5:])

Essentially you take the first N-window_len and subtract the last N-window_len (here I assume you have a data point for each day). vector operation would be significantly faster than using rolling

You are only getting the first value and last value different by using a memory cost rolling function which will reduce the speed of whole process , Here I am using merge_asof


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