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Java 8: How to list files that don't match pattern using regex

For some reason, my code will print ALL files when I want it to only print out the files that DONT match my regex pattern.. I need it to print out the files that dont match the pattern because I dont know all the possible inconsistencies there are in the file naming. I checked my regex pattern on regex101 and it is correct. I am not a coder, but I am a psychology student working on a mass database.

Ive tried making Pattern into a list pattern, and I tried putting patternList.matcher(file.getName()) into like its own Matcher variable.

    private static void checkFolder(File root, Pattern patternList) {
        for(File file : root.listFiles())


                checkFolder(file, patternList);
                System.out.println(file); //print if it does not match

For example, If my code looks at these file names:

  • 95F Front Anger.BW
  • 95F.Front.Anger.C.Micro
  • 95F.Front.Fear.C.Micro
  • 95F.Front.Frown.BW

And my regex is this:

    Pattern patternList = Pattern.compile("((\\d{1,3}(F|M)\\.(Front|Profile|Right)"

My code should only print out 95F Front Anger.BW, because it has whitespaces instead of dots, but my code still prints out all four filenames.

I also tried doing this:

    private static void checkFolder(File root, Pattern patternList) {
    for(File file : root.listFiles())


                 checkFolder(file, patternList);  //call checkfolder if the filename matches the pattern

            else if(!patternList.matcher(file.getName()).matches())
               System.out.println(file); //print the file that doesnt match the regex


Untested, but I'm guessing you want something like this, assuming you are only looking for files that match the pattern:

private static void checkFolder(File dir, Pattern patternList) {
    for(File file : dir.listFiles()) {
        if (file.isFile()) {
            // only check pattern against files not directories
        } else {
            // recurse into any/all sub-directories
            checkFolder(file, patternList);

If you wanted to do something with the results other than just print them, you could concatenate into a List.

(and yes, to be pedantically complete, recursion is not the best solution if you expect to traverse deep file system paths, this can be changed into looping with a stack at the cost of extra complexity)

Your expression works just fine, you might just want to replace \\. with something like:







[. ]

where necessary, and it might work OK.



import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

final String regex = "((\\d{1,3}([FM])(?:\\.|\\s*)(Front|Profile|Right)(?:\\.|\\s*)(Anger|Fear|Frown|Smile)(?:\\.|\\s*)(BW\\.Micro|BW|C\\.Micro|C)))|(\\d{1,3}(F|M)\\.(Front|Profile|Right)\\.(Neutral|Smile)\\.(C\\.Micro|C|BW\\.Micro|BW|HighLight|LowLight|MedLight)\\.(BW\\.Micro|BW|C\\.Micro|C))|(\\d{1,3}(F|M)\\.(Selfie1|Selfie2|StudentID)\\.(C\\.Micro|C|BW\\.Micro|BW))";
final String string = "95F    Front   Anger   BW\n"
     + "95F Front Anger BW\n"
     + "95F Front Anger.BW\n"
     + "95F.Front.Anger.C.Micro\n"
     + "95F.Front.Fear.C.Micro\n"
     + "95F.Front.Frown.BW";

final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.MULTILINE);
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string);

while (matcher.find()) {
    System.out.println("Full match: " + matcher.group(0));
    for (int i = 1; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) {
        System.out.println("Group " + i + ": " + matcher.group(i));

RegEx Circuit

jex.im visualizes regular expressions:


The expression is explained on the top right panel of regex101.com , if you wish to explore/simplify/modify it, and in this link , you can watch how it would match against some sample inputs, if you like.

Also, maybe if we would design our expression(s) in this fashion,


that would be maybe OK too, not sure though.


To negate the pattern, we can try:



Or a bit more simplified, maybe, if that be OK:


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