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Power Shell Script for loop?

I am trying to create a script in PowerShell to run a utility with some default parameters. There will be multiple IP addresses into a CSV file that we will need to import. Then do a loop to run the utility for each IP address imported.

Set-Location 'C:\Program Files\Utility
$printerlist = Get-Content ".\Printer.csv"
$pass = Read-Host "Enter your Password"


Foreach($printer in $printerlist){
   echo $line


As the comment points out, you need to loop over those IP addresses. You can use a feature called splatting to apply a set of default arguments:

Set-Location -Path $Env:ProgramFiles\Utility

$pass = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter your Password'
$utilArgs = @(

foreach ($printer in Get-Content -Path Printer.csv) {
    .\Utility.exe "-ADDRESS=""$printer""" @utilArgs



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