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GETTING A TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

I've a text file that consists of names. I want the user to type any 3 names and add them to an empty list, For each name we'll tell the user whether they are nearby. But I am getting an error which starts from setting_near .

user = input('Name any1 who is near to you ').split(',')
friends_open = open('friends.txt', 'r')
friends_read = friends_open.readlines()

near_by  = []

setting_near = set(near_by)
setting_friends = set(friends_read)

intersect = setting_near.intersection(setting_friends)

for n in intersect:
    print(f'your {intersect} friend is here!! meet him ')

The problem is you're using append , which will add the list user to the list near_by . append doesn't concatenate, it adds to the list.

Change that to extend , which does concatenate:


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