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How do I include a previously declared function as a value in a key-value pair in an object constructor?

The task:

  1. declare a variable called myName that returns an array of two elements, firstname and last name.

  2. declare a function called join(), it will return the two elements as a string with a space between each element.

  3. declare a function createProfile that should expect an array "name" as input(???).

  4. createProfile creates and returns an object with two key-value pairs. key: name value: use the function "join()" and the parameter "name" variable to return a string with your full name, separated by a space

    key : email value : my email as a string.

  5. Declare a variable called myProfile and assign the result of calling createProfile with myName.

The problem is in step 4. I believe I should use an object constructor. I don't know how to properly include the function join() a value in a key-value pair in an object constructor.

Here is what I have tried so far:

const myName = ["firstname", "lastname"];

function join(){
    document.write("Hello, my name is " + myName[0] + " " + myName[1] + ".");


function createProfile(name, email){
    this.name = function(){
        return this.join();
    this.email = email;
    return this;

let myProfile = new createProfile(name,"me@gmail.com");

Expected results: calling create profile should log an object with my full name as a string, and my email address as a string.

Actual results:

createProfile {name: ƒ, email: "hotcoffeehero@gmail.com"}
email: "hotcoffeehero@gmail.com"
name: ƒ ()
__proto__: Object

The value of name is an empty function.

How do I display it as a string?

Onegai Shimasu

if you want to use your logic, you need fix the code with the next code

const myName = ["firstname", "lastname"];

function join(){
    //document.write("Hello, my name is " + myName[0] + " " + myName[1] + ".");
    return myName[0] + ' ' + myName[1] // You only return the values


function createProfile(name, email){
    this.name = join(); // you call the function and assing to name
    this.email = email;
    return this;

const myProfile = new createProfile(name,"me@gmail.com");

but there are better ways to development this

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