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Remove all lines before specific string starts python

My output (string):

First Line
second something aaa
MY2 asd hello
no one nothing 

I need to remove all linesw before MY2 Output should looks line :

MY2 asd hello
no one nothing 

code: (not working)

output= '\n'.join(output.split('\n'))
for line in output:

You can traverse through all the lines, and keep the flag if string encountered.

output = """First Line
second something aaa
MY2 asd hello
no one nothing """

set_print = False
for line in output.split('\n'):
    if line.startswith('MY2'):
        set_print = True
    if set_print:

With itertools.dropwhile feature:

from itertools import dropwhile

output = '''First Line
second something aaa
MY2 asd hello
no one nothing'''

for l in dropwhile(lambda s: not s.startswith('MY2'), output.splitlines()):

The output:

MY2 asd hello
no one nothing

Another solution, using re module ( regex101 ):

output = '''First Line
second something aaa
MY2 asd hello
no one nothing'''

import re

print( re.findall(r'^(MY2.*)', output, flags=re.S|re.M)[0] )


MY2 asd hello
no one nothing

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