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Check if a Key from dictionary is same as a dictionaries's key in list

I have a list

banned = []

and a tuple

address = ('', 37670)

I'm accessing the first value ( ip ) as address[0] . So I inserted this ip to the new dictionary banned_user with a zero value for count.

banned_user = {adress[0]:0}

So I would like to know how to append banned_user to banned list if it not already contains. Like I'm doing like this


but I don't know how to check if ip from banned_user is in banned . If not I want to append it there with that zero value and if there is I want that zero to be +1 (plus). Can somebody please help me?

You could use a dictionary for banned , then lookup would be very fast. Since you're only using one part of the tuple (the string part) you could use that elements as the keys.

banned = {}
address_tuple = ('', 37670)

user_address, user_port = address_tuple

if user_address in banned:
    banned[user_address] += 1
    banned[user_address] = 0

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