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I need to convert this JSON string. Swap single to double quotes and vice versa

I am using JSON.stringify to produce the following JSON string from an object:


But, the system I need to send this string to requires it to be in this format:


This is some other kind of JSON (technically not real JSON). I need some kind of replace function that can convert this properly.

This should switch the escaping on the strings

 let str1 = `"[{\\"text\\":\\"AA\\"},{\\"text\\":\\"B'B\\"},{\\"text\\":\\"C\\\\\\"C\\"}]"` let str2 = `'[{"text":"AA"},{"text":"B\\'B"},{"text":"C\\\\"C"}]'` function convertQuotes(str) { // unescape double quotes str = str.replace(`\\"`,'"'); // escape single quotes str = str.replace("'",`\\'`); // replace start and end str = "'"+str.slice(1,str.length-1)+"'"; return str; } console.log(convertQuotes(str1)) console.log(str2); console.log(convertQuotes(str1)==str2); 

These functions seem to solve my problem But is there a better way? I really don't know a great deal about regex syntax.

function jsonConvert(str) {
    var newStr=str.substr(1, str.length-2);
    newStr=replaceAll('\\\\"', 'DOUBLE_QUOTE_PLACEHOLDER', newStr);
    newStr=replaceAll('\\"', '\"', newStr);
    newStr = newStr.replace(/([^\{|:|,])(?:')([^\}|,|:])/g, "$1\\'$2");
    newStr=replaceAll('DOUBLE_QUOTE_PLACEHOLDER', "\\\"", newStr)
    return "'"+newStr+"'";

function replaceAll(find, replace, str){
  return str.replace(new RegExp(find.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'), 'g'), replace);

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