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controlling ubuntu with anydesk unattended mode

I just installed Anydesk (ver 5.1.2) on Ubuntu 18.04. I setup unattended mode correctly.

1) If I login locally on Ubuntu 18.04 then I can connect using anydesk client from my Windows PC.

2) If I don't login locally on Ubuntu 18.04, if I try to connect from Win I get an error message: "display_server_not_supported". If I issue a

sudo systemctl status anydesk

on Ubuntu

I get the following status:

anydesk[1579]: anydesk: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server:0.

If it works like this by design I don't think is very useful. Any advice?

I fixed the problem like this:

I disabled Wayland for login screen modifying flag in file


Then I created a dummy display for Xorg like the following in /etc/Xorg/xorg.conf

 Identifier "Configured Video Device" Driver "dummy" #VideoRam 4096000 #VideoRam 256000 VideoRam 16384 EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "Configured Monitor" HorizSync 5.0 - 1000.0 VertRefresh 5.0 - 200.0 Modeline "1600x900" 33.92 1600 1632 1760 1792 900 921 924 946 EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "Default Screen" Monitor "Configured Monitor" Device "Configured Video Device" DefaultDepth 24 SubSection "Display" Viewport 0 0 Depth 24 Virtual 1600 900 EndSubSection EndSection

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