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How should i execute a SQL query in spring boot in the browser

I'm new to spring boot i'm developing a spring boot application to manage the employees, and i'm in the database stage, in my control I've added a SQL query that allows to select the employees compared to a base field (techno and date), how can I run these queries on a browser

My interfaceDao is:

public interface employesDao extends JpaRepository <employes, Integer>{

    public List<employes>findByNomContains(Date date);
    public List<employes>findByNomContains(List<List> techno);

the controller

public class employesController {

    employesDao employestdao;

    // Affiche la liste de tous les employes dans la base
    @GetMapping(value = "/employes")
    public List<employes> listeDesemployes(){

        List<employes> employes = employesdao.findAll();

        if(employes.isEmpty()) throw new ProductNotFoundException("Aucun employes n'est enregistréer dans la base");

        return employes;


    //Ajouter un employes
    @PostMapping(value = "/Addemployes")
    public employes ajouterProduit(@RequestBody employes employes) {

        employes employesAdded = employesdao.save(employes);

       return employesAdded;


You can probably try POST http://localhost:8080/api/Addemployes using a REST client (Postman or YARC for example) instead of a browser if you want to access this endpoint right away. Otherwise you need to develop a form to interact with it (creating the employe first then calling the POST /api/Addemployes endpoint).

As a general comment, I would not call the endpoint Addemployes but just the same as the GET endpoint. REST rules alone let the user understand that a POST will create a new entity. Also, use a code linter like SonarLint for example, your syntax is not standard and such tools let you know in real time what is wrong.

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