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The application gets stuck at “Configuring OrikaBean mapper”. Why?

I have a spring-boot application and when I run the application, it gets stuck at "Configuring OrikaBean mapper...". Why?

Note: It happens only when I run the application from eclipse.

No issue happens when I run it externally from command prompt.

The console message:

[36mm.m.ff.service.mapper.orika.OrikaBean [0;39m [2m:[0;39m Init OrikaBeanMapper
36mm.m.ff.service.mapper.orika.OrikaBean [0;39m [2m:[0;39m Configuring OrikaBean mapper...

Your eclipse IDE may be corrupted. Please check.

It's better to download the latest Spring STS from here .

found the way as when running this "Configuring OrikaBean mapper...", it will consume quite a memory. So increase the hotspot memory setting will solve the issue. Drun.jvmArguments="-Xms2712m -Xmx2712m" when starting this on eclipse from the mvn command.

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