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How to reuse the same variable, but for different types?

I have a little problems understand what's going on behind the scenes of the "type T" to get this right, I'm hopping that some of you can show me a light at the end of the tunnel :)

I have a COM object that I assign almost the some things (properties) but I need to use this for all objects, and I want to do this once and only that will work with all types.

Printer type:

switch (type)
    case convert2pdf.ConvertFileType.Word: 
        WordPrintJob oPrintJob = null; break;
    case convert2pdf.ConvertFileType.Excel: 
        ExcelPrintJob oPrintJob = null; break;
    case convert2pdf.ConvertFileType.PowerPoint: 
        PowerPointPrintJob oPrintJob = null; break;
    case convert2pdf.ConvertFileType.IE: 
        IEPrintJob oPrintJob = null; break;
    case convert2pdf.ConvertFileType.Publisher: 
        PublisherPrintJob oPrintJob = null; break;
    case convert2pdf.ConvertFileType.Visio: 
        VisioPrintJob oPrintJob = null; break;

        GenericPrintJob oPrintJob = null; break;

and then, no matter what my object type that I created, I implement every time this:

PDFSetting oPDFSetting = null;

oPrintJob = oPrinter.GenericPrintJob;
oPDFSetting = oPrintJob.PDFSetting;

/*put water mark on the first page, set the water mark text to "BCL EasyPDF */
oPDFSetting.set_Watermark(0, true);
oPDFSetting.set_WatermarkColor(0, (uint)System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Blue));
oPDFSetting.set_WatermarkFirstPageOnly(0, true);
oPDFSetting.set_WatermarkText(0, "EasyPDF");

/*set the meta data for the pdf file*/
oPDFSetting.MetaData = true;
oPDFSetting.MetaDataAuthor = "Your Name";
oPDFSetting.MetaDataCreator = "BCL";
oPDFSetting.MetaDataKeywords = "PDF";
oPDFSetting.MetaDataSubject = "Converter";
oPDFSetting.MetaDataTitle = "easyPDF SDK";

How do I use the "type T" thingy (men... after 3 years of C# I still can't understand that no matter what I read, and I read Wikipedia, ASP.NET 3.5 Professional book, tutorials, ...) :(

In other words is, how can I reuse the properties.

I thought about creating an ExtensionMethod, but I will have to write all of them and not reuse any code... I thought about Creating a Generic control and create a new controls that inherit that base one so I could use

GlocalObject oPrintJob = null;


WordPrintJob oPrintJob = (WordPrintJob)GlocalObject;

am I making any sense?

Update from the answers

Ok, so, there is no "type T" but base class/interface... I'm then trying to create that Interface so I can inherit from it and I get this image below:

alt text http://www.balexandre.com/temp/2009-06-02_1521_soQuestion_Interface.png

If in the interface I say PrintJob type, how can I return a WordPrintJob type? :-( I don't get it ...

You'll need to define a base class PrintJob and have PDFSetting as a property of that.

Then define WordPrintJob , ExcelPrintJob etc. to be subclasses of PrintJob .

It's a long time since I've done this so I can't remember off hand whether you'll be able to access PDFSettings from the sub class or if you'll have to cast the variable to the base class first.

Chris is essentially correct so your switch statement would look thus::

PrintJob oPrintJob = null;
switch (type)
    case convert2pdf.ConvertFileType.Word: 
        oPrintJob = new WordPrintJob(); 
    case convert2pdf.ConvertFileType.Excel: 
        oPrintJob = new ExcelPrintJob(); 
    case convert2pdf.ConvertFileType.PowerPoint: 
        oPrintJob = new PowerPointPrintJob(); 
    case convert2pdf.ConvertFileType.IE: 
        oPrintJob = new IEPrintJob(); 
    case convert2pdf.ConvertFileType.Publisher: 
        oPrintJob = new PublisherPrintJob(); 
    case convert2pdf.ConvertFileType.Visio: 
        oPrintJob = new VisioPrintJob(); 
        oPrintJob = new GenericPrintJob();

The PDFSettings property would be defined in your base PrintJob class and each of the specific print job classes would inherit from that base class.

Lazurus的答案一起 ,您可能还想创建一个Interface,并针对它进行大部分编码,而不是基类。

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