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How localisation on IOS/Android store works

I have a mobile app (IOS/Android) I would like to build and deploy it for both corresponding store and for many countries, each country has it's own config and params, the question is: if someone try to install the app(ios /android) version from store outside his origin country, he will get the app which is not adapted to his params and config when he comes back to his original country, do you have any suggestion??

here is an example: user from Germany travel to France for 4 days, he installs the app in France it works fine, back to his country it works fine as well but with wrong params and config

Expected:if the german user travel outside his country and install the app, he always gets the german version of the app.

Speaking for android: You should have one app for the whole world. If you need to have a specific version for certain countries, you should upload a different app for those countries and adjust the visibility settings in the play store. But this adds the problem you just mentioned.

Translation is handled by the resource folders in android. You can add different values, including strings, for each language. Android will automatically pick the language based on the users language settings. So even if a German user with German settings downloads an app in France, his app will still be in German the whole time unless he switches his devices language.

I come across some interesting facts, first of all thank Alexander and CZ54, so here is it:

  1. the localization will be based on ID store instead of the IP address
  2. I will have one build for all the countries
  3. Upload once for IOS and once for Android.

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