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Capture multiple lines using reg ex in python

I would like to write a regex that captures "my_code" line and the two lines that are indented unde it only


i was using my_code\n\s\s(.+)

xxxx   //time
xxxxx   //h1

i was using my_code\n\s\s(.+)

xxxx   //time
xxxxx   //h1

The \s matches a space and also a newline.

To make sure it is indentend, you might match 2 times the newline and 1 or more spaces or tabs [\t ]+ using a character class.

^my_code\r?\n[\t ]+.+\r?\n[ \t]+.+
  • ^ Start of string
  • my_code\r?\n match literally followed by a newline
  • [\t ]+ Match 1+ spaces or tabs
  • .+ Match 1+ times any char except a newline
  • \r?\n[ \t]+.+ Again match a newline, 1+ spaces or tabs and any char except a newline

Regex demo

To match the indented part 1 or more times, you could repeat a non capturing group and use a quantifier +

^my_code(?:\r?\n[\t ]+.+)+

Regex demo

I managed to get it working like this:

test_str  = """ 
    xxxx   //time
    xxxxx   //h1
pattern = re.compile('my_code\n\s+[^\n]+\n\s+[^\n]+')
res = re.search(pattern, test_str)

The [^\n]+ means match every character except new line and there should be 1 or more of these characters. This produces output like:


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