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How can i get http response using Selenium driver with PYTHON?

I am trying to get url's HTTP response of a page using selenium webdriver. Can anyone please help me with that.

I am trying to do with some code i found elsewhere

from selenium import webdriver
import logging

from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities

# enable browser logging
d = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME
d['loggingPrefs'] = {'performance': 'ALL'}

driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="C:\\Users\\Admin\\PythonFiles\\chromedriver.exe",
                          service_args=["--verbose", "--log-path=D:\\selenium.log"],




performance_log = driver.get_log('performance')

for entry in driver.get_log('performance'):

it is showing an error:

raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace)

    selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidArgumentException: Message: invalid argument: log type 'performance' not found
      (Session info: chrome=77.0.3865.120)

I had the same problem and I wanted to get the log with this method but after that, my log was not a complete network log. Based on my experience, I suggest using Browsermob like this

With using this method you can have a Har file which is a JSON-formatted archive file that has logs of a web browser's interaction with a site.

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