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Regular Expression for multiple folder names in URL and Excluded Extension Flags

I'm processing multiple js files to build bundles via webpack. However I need to target multiple js files to process across multiple folders, while being able to exclude js files with certain flags in the filename.

I have the following files:


And this should only grab the following files to bundle:




So essentially any.js file out of the specific libraries , konstructs , vendor folders and then don't include anything with disabled.js or exclude.js

To get the three directories libraries, konstructs or vendors that contain
non- disabled nor exclude in the file name parts of .js files would be this:



Note, use the multi-line modifier if looking at multi-line strings.
If not, no need for it.

You can try exclude option in rule-condition with this pattern

  • \. - Matches .
  • (exclude|disabled) - Match exclude or disabled word
  • \.js - Matches . followed by js . followed by js
  • $ - End of string

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