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Match every JSON (stringified) key and value using one regex group

I tried /("(?:[^\"]|\")*?")/g

const string = `[
  "name": "total_4_dials_time",
  "type": "transform",
  "source": "long total_nodes = data.nodestats._nodes.total;\nMap res = [:];\nres[\"nodes\"] = data.nodestats._nodes.total;\nlong millis = System.currentTimeMillis();\nres[\"@time\"] = millis;\nreturn res;"

const regexJSONKeysAndValues = new RegExp('("(?:[^\"]|\")*?")', 'g');
const result = string.match(regexJSONKeysAndValues);

And got the "source" value splitted into three strings where is \". I don't need the "source" value splitted.

 '"long total_nodes = data.nodestats._nodes.total;\nMap res = [:];\nres["',
 '"] = data.nodestats._nodes.total;\nlong millis = System.currentTimeMillis();\nres["',
 '"] = millis;\nreturn res;"' 

What regex to use to achieve the following result?

 '"long total_nodes = data.nodestats._nodes.total;\nMap res = [:];\nres["nodes"] = data.nodestats._nodes.total;\nlong millis = System.currentTimeMillis();\nres["@time"] = millis;return res;"'

Here is my regex playground with an example https://regex101.com/r/YTzXaV/4

I need this for my custom ace editor mode. Ace editor value is a string, not an object. The values which contain \n must be wrapped with triple-quotes. For example,

const string = `[
    "name": "total_4_dials_time",
    "type": "transform",
    "source": "long total_nodes = data.nodestats._nodes.total;\nMap res = [:];\nres['nodes'] = data.nodestats._nodes.total;\nlong millis = System.currentTimeMillis();\nres['@time'] = millis;\nreturn res;"

const unfoldMultiLineString = (string = '') => {
  const regexJSONKeysAndValues = new RegExp('("(?:[^\"]|\")*?")', 'g');

  return string.replace(regexJSONKeysAndValues, (match, value) => {
    const areNewLines = value.includes('\n');
    if (areNewLines) {
      return `"""\n${value.slice(1, value.length - 1)}\n"""`;

    return value;



  "name": "total_4_dials_time",
  "type": "transform",
  "source": """
long total_nodes = data.nodestats._nodes.total;
Map res = [:];
res['nodes'] = data.nodestats._nodes.total;
long millis = System.currentTimeMillis();
res['@time'] = millis;
return res;

It doesn't work if "source" value contains double quotes though.

You can do this with JSON.parse if you double-escape the backslashes, so \ => \\ :

 const string = `[ { "name": "total_4_dials_time", "type": "transform", "source": "long total_nodes = data.nodestats._nodes.total;\\nMap res = [:];\\nres['nodes'] = data.nodestats._nodes.total;\\nlong millis = System.currentTimeMillis();\\nres['@time'] = millis;\\nreturn res;" } ]`; const parsed = JSON.parse(string); const result = Object.keys(parsed[0]).flatMap(k => [k, parsed[0][k]]).map(JSON.stringify); console.log(result);


  "\"long total_nodes = data.nodestats._nodes.total;\\nMap res = [:];\\nres['nodes'] = data.nodestats._nodes.total;\\nlong millis = System.currentTimeMillis();\\nres['@time'] = millis;\\nreturn res;\""

I don't completely understand what you're looking for, let's look if this helps:

 function pythonify(obj) { let out = Object.entries(obj).map(([k, v]) => { if (typeof v === 'string' && v.includes('\n')) v = '"""\n' + v + '\n"""'; else v = JSON.stringify(v) return ' ' + JSON.stringify(k) + ': ' + v; }); return '{\n' + out.join(',\n') + '\n}' } // const string = String.raw`[ { "name": "total_4_dials_time", "type": "transform", "source": "long total_nodes = data.nodestats._nodes.total;\nMap res = [:];\nres[\"nodes\"] = data.nodestats._nodes.total;\nlong millis = System.currentTimeMillis();\nres[\"@time\"] = millis;\nreturn res;" } ]`; console.log(pythonify(JSON.parse(string)[0]))

i just went back to your https://regex101.com/r/YTzXaV/4 example and escaped the double quotes that are also escaped in your code example and used the following regex:

  • ("(?:[^\"]|\")*?[^\\]")

The only part i added being [^\\] so that the last double quote must be preceded by any character that is not a backslash

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