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Regex to find and replace where the Key is the same as Value {foo:foo} to {foo}

Summary: Use regex with place holders to find where the key and value are the same, and replace with just the key (in my case leveraging ES6 object-property shorthand syntax to clean thousands lines of broken ES5 code - where I can't find an auto helper in eslint rules for use with --fix).


module.exports = {
    foo: foo,
    bar: bar,
    baz: someFunctionNotCalledBaz,
    someOther: () => console.log('Defined directly. Not a reference to same name function.')

What I want (cleaning up old, broken code and ES6'ing a NodeJS project):

module.exports = {
    baz: someFunctionNotCalledBaz,
    someOther: () => console.log('Defined directly. Not a reference to same name function.')

I'm pretty familiar with regex, and I'm not sure this is even be possible. Using Vim, or an IDE Replace w/ regex I'd like to find a way to say:

Find all "word: word", regardless of spaces, and then the matching key on the value side:


Replace with reference (using placeholder that would already work with matching group):


Is this "lookback" even possible within the same regex? I did look at a bunch of other posts that matched my query, but to no avail.

This should do it:

sed -E 's/(.+): \1/\1/g' file

If you're unfamiliar with sed , the first part will look for strings that match the pattern (.+): \1 , and the second part will replace it with \1

The \1 you see are backreferences, they refer to a capturing group. A capturing group is text inside parenthesis (here, (.+) ).

(.+): \1 will locate any string of 1 or more characters followed by a semicolon and a space, and then the same string again.

And finally, sed will replace any matching string with \1 , which is the part before the semicolon.

Hope this makes sense!

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