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How do I concatenate fragmented messages of strings that are out of order in SQL

I have a table with three columns the first column indicates a message ID (message_id) the second column represents an ordinal feature which indicates the order of the message (message_order), lastly the third column is a fragment of the message(message_fragment):

| message_id | message_order |           message            |
| Message 1  |             2 | Best, Jose                   |
| Message 1  |             1 | Thanks for your advice       |
| Message 2  |             1 | I only have one line of text |

Is there a way in SQL to concatenate the message rows by message in order of message order? To ultimately get the following:

| message_id |              message              |
| Message 1  | Thanks for your advice Best, Jose |
| Message 2  | I only have one line of text      |

In Postgres you can use string_agg() for this:

select message_Id, string_agg(message, ' ' order by message_order)  as message
from the_table
group by message_id;

For Oracle:

with msg(msg_id, msg_order, msg_text) as (
  select 1, 2, 'Best, Jose' from dual union all
  select 1, 1, 'Thanks for your advice' from dual union all
  select 2, 1, 'I only have one line of text' from dual
select msg_id, listagg(msg_text, ' ') within group (order by msg_id, msg_order) message
from msg
group by msg_id;

For Hive:

select message_id, concat_ws(' ', collect_list(message)) as message
      (select message_id, message_order, message 
         from table
       distribute by message_id sort by message_order 
 group by message_id
 order by message_id;

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