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Mysql : How can i replace a part of a string?

I want to delete everything after "x" in the following urls:

i have:


i want:


I know it's easy with mysql 8.0 with regex_replace but i can't update my server. Is there any way with mysql 5?

nb: There is always a "?" in urls, it can be the first character to delete.

Thanks for help


left(url, locate('x?', url))

Demo on DB Fiddle :

with mytable as (
    select '/product/dtphdmi230rx?subtype=384' url
    union all select '/product/dtphdmi230tx?subtype=385'
    union all select '/product/dtphdmi330rx?subtype=386'
    union all select '/product/dtphdmi330tx?subtype=387'
select left(url, locate('x?', url)) from mytable
| left(url, locate('x?', url)) |
| :--------------------------- |
| /product/dtphdmi230rx        |
| /product/dtphdmi230tx        |
| /product/dtphdmi330rx        |
| /product/dtphdmi330tx        |

Note: as commented by Raymond Nijland, if the ? occurs just once in the string and can be used as the first character to remove, you can also do:

left(url, locate('?', url) - 1)

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