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How to set the timeout of request sended by ClientResource in Restlet Framework

I'm using the Restlet framework and specifically the class ClientResource to send HTTP request to a server through its own get() , post() , put() and delete() methods. Since sometimes the server is offline and therefore unreachable, I would like to set a smaller timeout than the default. How can I do it?

At the moment I've tried in this way with no success:

ClientResource cr = new ClientResource(uri);

Context context = new Context();
context.getParameters().add("maxIoIdleTimeMs", "0");
context.getParameters().add("ioMaxIdleTimeMs", "0");
context.getParameters().add("socketTimeout", "1000");

cr.setNext(new Client(context, Protocol.HTTP));


Representation r = cr.get();

The result is the same of the default case, that is a timeout of about 60-90 seconds before the connection error exception is returned from the get() method. My purpose is to anticipate it.

To set the timeout properly:

Component c = new Component();
Client client = c.getClients().add(Protocol.HTTP);
client.getContext().getParameters().add ( "socketTimeout", "10" );
Response resp = client.handle(new Request(Method.GET, "https://swapi.co/api/people/1/"));
System.out.println("Output: " + resp.getEntity().getText());

This code will throw a timeout exception as what you needed, increase the socketTimeout to at least 1000 to be able to retrieve the test API JSON response.

Also, these versions was used:


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