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How to calculate the 2/3 purchased by month in Postgresql?

I have one table named 'sales'.

create table sales
        cust    varchar(20),
        prod    varchar(20),
        day integer,
        month   integer,
        year    integer,
        state   char(2),
        quant   integer
insert into sales values ('Bloom', 'Pepsi', 2, 12, 2001, 'NY', 4232);
insert into sales values ('Knuth', 'Bread', 23, 5, 2005, 'PA', 4167);
insert into sales values ('Emily', 'Pepsi', 22, 1, 2006, 'CT', 4404);
insert into sales values ('Emily', 'Fruits', 11, 1, 2000, 'NJ', 4369);
insert into sales values ('Helen', 'Milk', 7, 11, 2006, 'CT', 210);
insert into sales values ('Emily', 'Soap', 2, 4, 2002, 'CT', 2549);
insert into sales values ('Bloom', 'Eggs', 30, 11, 2000, 'NJ', 559);

.... There are 498 rows in total. Here is the overview of this table:


Now I want to get the the month by which time, 2/3 of the sales quantities have been purchased for each combination of customer and product.

The result should look like this:


Anyone has the idea to help me with this?

You could use window function, then aggregation:

select year, cust, prod, min(month)
from (
        sum(quant) over(partition by year, cust, prod order by month, day) quant_cumul,
        sum(quant) over(partition by year, cust, prod) quant_total
    from sales s
) t
where quant_cumul > 2/3 * quant_total
group by year, cust, prod

The inner query computes a cumulative sum and a global sum of quantities for each (year, cust, prod) tupe. Then, the outer query filters on the records where the cumulative sum exceeds the 2/3 of the total quantity, and gets the minimum month for each tuple.

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