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Can anybody explain concepts of OOP and correct this code

So i am writing this very simple encryptor and decryptor in python.I understand it procedural way but i want to make a class of it. Here is the code

class Encrypt():
    def __init__(self,scentence):
            self.scentence = scentence

    def encryptor(self):
            result = []
            for letter in self.scentence:
                    l = ord(letter)+20
            for numbers in result:
                    print(numbers,end = '')
                    print(" " , end = '')
    def decryptor(result):

            end_string = ""
            for j in result:
                    l = int(j)
                    l = l-20
                    l = chr(l)
                    end_string = end_string + l

            print("The decrypted message is below:")

f = Encrypt("helloe")

So when i run this code there is error as follows

for j in result: TypeError: 'Encrypt' object is not iterable

It would be very helpful for someone to explain the concept of SELF and OBJECT and CLASS

In Python, the first parameter for class methods is always self (whereas in other object-oriented languages like C++ and Java this parameter is implicit). For an explanation of why, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/2709832/4454124 . ( self is merely the conventional name given to the first parameter, but the name could be anything, like self , this , banana , or result )

Because you don't have the self parameter in your decryptor() method, the Python interpreter will try to interpret the parameter you do provide ( result ) as the self parameter, meaning it expects it to be of type Encrypt which it is not, hence the error.

As a side note, in an object-oriented program the name of the class should be a noun, and method names should be verbs -- so in your program you would have a class called "Encryptor" and methods called "encrypt" and "decrypt".

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