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Converting SQL Query into Linq (c#) with Distinct

I am trying to write my SQL Statement with Linq, but I don't quite get it. I know there are many familiar posts, but maybe you can help me with mine and help me to understand how it works.

My SQL Query:

SELECT DISTINCT(cou.Country1) AS Laender, COUNT(cou.Country1) AS Anzahl FROM SEC_User be
INNER JOIN PAR_Company com ON com.CompanyID = be.CompanyID
INNER JOIN DAT_Country cou ON cou.CountryID = com.CountryID
Group by cou.Country1

I think my start might be right:

var query = from user in db.SEC_User
join com in db.PAR_Company on user.CompanyID equals com.CompanyID
join cou in db.DAT_Country on com.CountryID equals cou.CountryID

Thanks in advance!

you can try this. you don't need DISTINCT with group by. group by makes already it distinct.

var query = from user in db.SEC_User
join com in db.PAR_Company on user.CompanyID equals com.CompanyID
join cou in db.DAT_Country on com.CountryID equals cou.CountryID
group cou by user.Country1 into g
select new { Laender = g.Key, Anzahl = g.Count()};

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