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SQL Query in C# (Linq)

I've this query in my C# file and it works fine:

from var in db.database_1 
where var.database_2.primarycat.Length > 0 && var.meditype.Contains("All")   
select new XElement("id", new XElement("temp", var.database_2.name)

Now, I want to insert this query in the where argument at xxx :

AND name IN (
SELECT primarycat
from database_2
GROUP BY primarycat

Can somebody help me?

A simple sub query should do this:

from var in db.database_1 
where var.database_2.primarycat.Length > 0
    && var.meditype.Contains("All")   
    && (from cat in db.database_2
        group cat by cat.primarycat into g
        where g.Count() > 1
        select g.Key).Contains(var.name)
select new XElement("id", new XElement("temp", var.database_2.name)

Use a sub select. Check out this thread which answers pretty much the same thing.

how to do subquery in LINQ

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