python/ html/ json/ parsing

I have an HTML page with various information, like:

<input class="json-data" id="init-data" type="hidden" value='{"keyboardShortcuts":[{"name":"xxxx","description":"yyyyy", > etc...

How can I obtain something like

name = xxxx

That is my code so far, but every time it just prints None:

content =
html = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser")
element = html.find("input", class_="json-data", value_="keyboardShortcuts")

Pull out the value attribute, read using json , then you can get the value for the name key:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

import json

content = '''
<input class="json-data" id="init-data" type="hidden" value='{"keyboardShortcuts":[{"name":"xxxx","description":"yyyyy"}]}

html = BeautifulSoup(content, "lxml")
jsonData = json.loads(html.find('input', {'id':'init-data'})['value'])

print (jsonData['keyboardShortcuts'][0]['name'])


print (jsonData['keyboardShortcuts'][0]['name'])


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