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Display listview in listview from json

I have a JSON from the server to display in listview, as below:

    "data": {
    "tryout_terbaru": {
            "title": "Ada Soal tryout baru lho! Coba kerjain yuk!",
            "list": [
                    "id": "1173",
                    "judul": "SD kelas 3 - Latihan Pembagian (9)"
            "tipe": "Tryout"

I want to display "tryout_terbaru" list in listview.


    DataContext="{Binding SelectedItem, ElementName=itemListView}"
    ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource itemsViewSource}}">
                        DataContext="{Binding SelectedItem, ElementName=itemListView}"
                        ItemsSource="{Binding TryoutList">
                                        Text="{Binding TJudul}" />


ObservableCollection<Highlight> highlightDatasource = new ObservableCollection<Highlight>();
ObservableCollection<TryoutList> tryoutDatasource = new ObservableCollection<TryoutList>();
JsonObject tryoutBObject = jsonData.ContainsKey("tryout_terbaru") && jsonData["tryout_terbaru"] != null ? jsonData["tryout_terbaru"].GetObject() : JsonObject.Parse("");
    title = tryoutBObject["title"].GetString();
    JsonArray JsonList = tryoutBObject["list"].GetArray();
    foreach (JsonValue groupValue in JsonList)
        JsonObject groupObject = groupValue.GetObject();
        tryoutTitle = groupObject["judul"].GetString();
        TryoutList list = new TryoutList();
        list.TJudul = list;
    Highlight highlightTB = new Highlight();
    highlightTB.Title = title;
    highlightListview.ItemsSource = highlightDatasource;

I'm having a problem, which is not being able to display "tryout_terbaru" list in listview. How to handle it?

I assume that you have TryoutList in Highlight as following, if not you have to add this property.

public class Highlight
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public ObservableCollection<TryoutList> TryoutList { get; set; }
    public string Tipe { get; set; }

Then you need to set TryoutList that it seems you missed.

title = tryoutBObject["title"].GetString();
JsonArray JsonList = tryoutBObject["list"].GetArray();
foreach (JsonValue groupValue in JsonList)
    JsonObject groupObject = groupValue.GetObject();
    tryoutTitle = groupObject["judul"].GetString();
    TryoutList list = new TryoutList();
    list.TJudul = list;
Highlight highlightTB = new Highlight();
highlightTB.Title = title;
highlightTB.TryoutList = tryoutDatasource;//You Missed this part
highlightListview.ItemsSource = highlightDatasource;

Finally TryoutList must be shown by ItemsSource="{Binding TryoutList">

You can also check WPF nested ListView ItemsSource

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