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Appveyor Linux Python fails

I want to run tests of my python project on Appveyor under Linux.

1. Run tox without install (fails)

I have tried without installing tox. Here is the appveyor.yml :

# appveyor.yml

  - Ubuntu

build: off

  - tox

My build fails . It says:

/opt/appveyor/build-agent/bash-shell.sh: line 62: tox: command not found

2. Install tox (fails)

OK, let's install tox first... Here is my new appveyor.yml , which is based on this guide . (I've just added the Ubuntu image.)

# appveyor.yml

  - TOXENV: py36

  - Ubuntu

build: off

  - pip install tox

  - tox

However, build fails again. It says:

ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyparsing.py'

How to run tox on Appveyor under Ubuntu?

Either use sudo to become root:

sudo pip install tox

or install in your $HOME :

pip install tox --user

and add ~/.local/bin to $PATH ; or run ~/.local/bin/tox directly.

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