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RestAssured with Awaitility

I currently have some code which needs some retry logic. As some remote requests and database updates might take some time. I don't want to add a specific wait for this. I want to retry until it is matching my specific response. Currently it is using awaitility and it will retry until a specific field is matching.

private static RequestSpecification REQUEST_SPEC(String baseUri) {
     return new RequestSpecBuilder()
private static ResponseSpecBuilder PROFILE_RESPONSE() {
    return new ResponseSpecBuilder()
        .expectBody("profileId", equalTo(PROFILE_ID))
        .expectBody("userKey", notNullValue());
await().timeout(10, SECONDS).untilAsserted(() -> assertThat("Profile not yet updated",
      .pathParam("somePathParam", "somePathParamValue")
      .body().jsonPath().getString("profileId"), equalTo("updatedProfileId")));

I'm combining build-in RestAssured mechanisms (reusable ResponseSpecifications) and awaitility with hamcrest matcher. Is there a way to retry upon RestAssured ValidatableResponse instead of extracting it and validate it with an hamcrest assertThat() matcher?

Awaitility.await().atMost(30,SECONDS).until(()-> isStatus(expected));

private Boolean isStatus(String expected){
String url="/order/{id}";
Response response = RestAssured.given()
                    .header("header", "value")
return response.then().extract().path("links").toString().equalsIgnoreCase(expected)

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