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Add "@" before every word + ONE space between every word (JavaScript)?

I put together a code, in the input field one writes words and the output shows same words but with @ attached and have one space in between each words. The code I have so far is semi-functional, it kinda does what I want to do, but with some issues.

I need some help with a few things:

1. I need to make sure that the ouput always has one space in between characters. If a user inputs ( types or pastes ) a sentence with MORE THAN ONE "space", the output shrinks it down to one space. As you can see:

Currently if you input: tomato, orange, (double space) apple, it will output @tomato @orange @ @apple.

I want it to the output be: @tomato @orange @apple (remove the extra @, that was inserted due to double space)

2. When one deletes everything typed in the input field, the output still shows "@". I want the output be blank just like input if one deletes the input field.

Here is the code:

 function atPrefix (text) { return text .split(' ') .map(character => '@' + character) .join(' ') }
 <textarea id="specialInput" type="text" oninput="document.querySelector('#output').innerText = atPrefix(this.value)"></textarea> <p> <textarea id="output"> </textarea> </p>

Add a filter() function to filter out any token that is only made of spaces:

 function atPrefix (text) { return text .split(' ') .filter(token => token.trim() !== '') .map(token => '@' + token) .join(' ') }
 <textarea id="specialInput" type="text" oninput="document.querySelector('#output').innerText = atPrefix(this.value)"></textarea> <p> <textarea id="output"> </textarea> </p>

Something like this should work

function atPrefix (text) {
  if(text) {
     return text
       .replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ')
       .split(' ')
       .map(character => '@' + character)
       .join(' ')
   } else {  return text }  

So basically you are checking if text is not an empty string, and replacing multiple space characters with single space through regex.

your code is good but after the split just use then array.filter(e=>!!e);

 function atPrefix (text) { return text.split(' ') .filter(word => !!word) .map(word => '@' + word.trim()) .join(' ') }
 <textarea id="specialInput" type="text" oninput="document.querySelector('#output').innerText = atPrefix(this.value)"></textarea> <p> <textarea id="output"> </textarea> </p>

You can find an explanation for this regex here: https://regexr.com/4qgs7

 function atPrefix (text) { return text.replace(/\\b(\\w+)\\b/gm,"@$1"); }
 <textarea id="specialInput" type="text" oninput="document.querySelector('#output').innerText = atPrefix(this.value)"></textarea> <p> <textarea id="output"> </textarea> </p>

using regular express to replace ",?\\s+" with " @" and prefix with leading @; Do the string manipulation only when it's not blank. this will address your second problem.

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