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MSBuild Not Resolving Parameters inside Path

i have to run text transform file using ms build so i am using Transform as target. In order to run it in my project i have to pass some path to fetch resource dlls. so my command is

D:\WorkSpace\Projects\Client\Dev\Project\Lw.Domain.Project>msbuild  /tv:15.0 /t:transform /p:TransformFile="ProjectEntityModelGenerator.tt" /p:SolutionDir=".." /p:FrameworkVersion=4 /p:MetaModelFolder="$(SolutionDir)\packages\LW.Framework$(FrameworkVersion)" /p:BaseResourceFolder="$(SolutionDir)\packages\LW.Framework$(FrameworkVersion)" /p:FrameworkReference="package" /p:IsFromMSBuild="true"

But it is not resolving the path, so i am getting issue like below,

C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Professional\\MSBuild\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\v15.0\\TextTemplating\\Microsoft.TextTemplating.targets(340,5): error : System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\\WorkSpace\\Projects\\Client\\Dev\\Project\\Lw.Domain.Project\\$(SolutionDir)\\packages\\LW.Framework$(FrameworkVersion)Lw.System.Metamodel.dll'.


Am I missing something in my csproj file? Below is my csproj file configuration,

<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
    <!-- Get the Visual Studio version – defaults to 10: -->
    <VisualStudioVersion Condition="'$(VisualStudioVersion)' == ''">10.0</VisualStudioVersion>
    <!-- Keep the next element all on one line: -->
    <VSToolsPath Condition="'$(VSToolsPath)' == ''">$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)</VSToolsPath>
  <Import Project="$(VSToolsPath)\TextTemplating\Microsoft.TextTemplating.targets" Condition="'$(VisualStudioVersion)' == '15.0'" />

I tested on my local project, and found that Properties cannot be passed in command line using the same syntax "$()" in csproj file.

You need pass to the command line the exact physical path for the BaseResourceFolder. And from below error. You missed a "\\" at the end of the value for BaseResourceFolder too.


/p:BaseResourceFolder="(phsical path to BaseResourceFolder)\"

Hope you find above helpful.

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