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How to split a dictionary of lists with arbitrary number of values into a list of dictionaries?

I am trying to split a dictionary of lists into a list of dictionaries.

I have tried following the examples here and here_2 . Here_2 is for python 2.x and does not seem to work on python 3.x

The first linked example, here, almost works except I only get the first dictionary key value pair back as 1 list.

using zip() to convert dictionary of list to list of dictionaries

test_dict = { "Rash" : [1], "Manjeet" : [1], "Akash" : [3, 4] } 
res = [dict(zip(test_dict, i)) for i in zip(*test_dict.values())] 
print ("The converted list of dictionaries " +  str(res)) 

Out: The converted list of dictionaries [{‘Rash’: 1, ‘Akash’: 3, ‘Manjeet’: 1}] 

DESIRED Out: The converted list of dictionaries [{‘Rash’: 1, ‘Akash’: 3, ‘Manjeet’: 1}, {‘Akash’: 4}]

Here's a slow and brittle solution with no bells or whistles (and bad naming in general):

def dictlist_to_listdict(dictlist):
    output = []
    for k, v in dictlist.items():
        for i, sv in enumerate(v):
            if i >= len(output):
                output.append({k: sv})
                output[i].update({k: sv})
    return output

if __name__ == "__main__":
    test_dict = {"Rash": [1], "Manjeet": [1], "Akash": [3, 4]} 

When I ran your code on my notebook with Python 3, it does print the line you put as the desired output. Perharps I don't understand the question well enough

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