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Deleted partitions, testdisk, mbr and gpt, no idea where to go now

I was doing some late night work on a hard disk, blowing away partitions on a drive, I accidentally selected my main drive which had a windows 10 install on it. Blew away the partitions with gparted using live disk.

I managed to recover the most of the partitions using testdisk but not the MSR (the hidden one or secure one) one, so the PC doesn't boot....

At this stage i'd like to copy my recovered partition, but using anything doesn't work, clonezilla is confused because somehow there is an MBR and GPT installed on it.

I do not know what i was actually using(mbr or gtp) i see a whole load of overlapped partitions on it looks like the disk was a mess. However the main partition is in tact and the data is all there, checked with testdisk.

At this stage i've deleted all the partitions except for one i wish to keep but clonezilla/gparted still can't clone my partition.

I have no idea how to move forward from this.

Ideally what i would have done is cloned the last partition, done a fresh install of Windows 10 recreating the correct partition table, partitions ect, and then cloned the original partition, the one with data on it, back onto of the freshly install windows 10 one and this process worked for me during my triple boots.

However at this stage cannot clone the partition and too scared to try any option of delete either the gpt or the mbr, incase of data loss.

Advice from anybody would be greatly appreciated, this is only my gaming pc, so we're not taking mountains of valuable data, but there was some old files i forgot to copy to the NAS. Not to mentioned i realised, i never set the backing up onto the NAS of this computer, i know i stuffed this part up, you've save me re-downloading the 600gb of games i had on there and my set up which i loved!

Thanks in advance and your time in reading this mess.

Anyway so i figured it out and this is how i did it.

Basically it was windows 10 that got install with gpt.

and testdisk recovers any way it can which was by installing a mbr table and finding the data.

So i launched gparted to find the info about my current disk, and the partition was visible under mbr, so that meant that gpt was safe to delete.

So did that, after which i could clonezilla the partition to a spare disk, saving all the data!

Fresh install of windows 10 to re-create the partitions, Recovery, MSR and data.

Then clonezilla the from the spare disk ontop of the new windows 10 install, all working perfect, as i'm typing this from that PC.

Thanks all for reading!

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