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MongoDB Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Data too long for column 'scenario_order' at row 1

I want to configure p:inputNumber to accept only numbers from 1 to 10 :

<p:inputNumber id="scenarioOrder" label="scenarioOrder" value="#{userScenarios.userScenarioModel.scenarioOrder}" decimalSeparator="." decimalPlaces="0" minValue="1" maxValue="10" />

Entity configuration :

@Column(name = "scenario_order")
private Integer scenarioOrder;

But when I try to insert into data base the number value I get :

Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Data too long for column 'scenario_order' at row 1

Do you know how I can fir this?

You can use :

@Column(name = "scenario_order", columnDefinition = "TINYINT") 
@Size(min = 1, max = 10)
private Integer scenarioOrder;

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