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AVL tracking system database

i am new DBA in a company using a tracking system for up than 1K device , and update for every 10 sec

the database is Postgresql v11 , but when we do some query it take time , is postgresql qualify for this kind of heavy duty ?? or should we move to sql server ?? is there any technic will enhance the performance ?? or should i start with the query ??

-- View: public.api_devicelist_v2

-- DROP VIEW public.api_devicelist_v2;

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.api_devicelist_v2 AS
SELECT COALESCE(tc_positions.attributes -> 'c_door'::text, '0'::jsonb)::integer AS door_icon,
            WHEN age(now(), tc_positions.fixtime::timestamp with time zone) > '01:00:00'::interval AND tc_positions.speed > 0::double precision THEN 5
            WHEN age(now(), tc_positions.fixtime::timestamp with time zone) > '01:00:00'::interval AND tc_positions.speed = 0::double precision THEN 6
            WHEN tc_positions.fixtime IS NULL THEN 7
            WHEN COALESCE(tc_positions.attributes -> 'c_ign'::text, '0'::jsonb) = '0'::jsonb AND tc_positions.speed > 0::double precision THEN 1
            WHEN COALESCE(tc_positions.attributes -> 'c_ign'::text, '0'::jsonb) = '1'::jsonb AND tc_positions.speed > 0::double precision THEN 2
            WHEN COALESCE(tc_positions.attributes -> 'c_ign'::text, '0'::jsonb) = '0'::jsonb AND tc_positions.speed = 0::double precision THEN 3
            WHEN COALESCE(tc_positions.attributes -> 'c_ign'::text, '0'::jsonb) = '1'::jsonb AND tc_positions.speed = 0::double precision THEN 4
            ELSE 0
        END AS icon_motion,
    date_part('epoch'::text, timezone('utc'::text, tc_positions.servertime))::integer AS servertime,
    date_part('epoch'::text, timezone('utc'::text, tc_positions.fixtime))::integer AS fixtime,
    COALESCE(tc_positions.latitude, '0'::double precision) AS latitude,
    COALESCE(tc_positions.longitude, '0'::double precision) AS longitude,
    COALESCE(tc_positions.speed, '0'::double precision) AS speed,
    COALESCE(tc_positions.course, '0'::double precision) AS course,
    COALESCE(tc_positions.attributes -> 'c_ign'::text, '0'::jsonb) AS engine,
    COALESCE(tc_positions.attributes -> 'c_door'::text, '0'::jsonb) AS door,
    COALESCE(tc_positions.attributes -> 'c_doorMove'::text, '0'::jsonb) AS door_move,
    COALESCE(tc_positions.attributes -> 'c_ls_door'::text, 'false'::jsonb) AS prev_door,
    COALESCE(tc_positions.attributes -> 'c_ls_ign'::text, 'false'::jsonb) AS prev_engine,
    COALESCE(tc_positions.valid, false) AS valid,
   FROM tc_devices
     JOIN tc_positions ON tc_devices.positionid = tc_positions.id
  WHERE tc_devices.positionid IS NOT NULL;

ALTER TABLE public.api_devicelist_v2
    OWNER TO postgres; 


Query 2

SELECT id, protocol, deviceid, servertime, devicetime, fixtime, valid, latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, course, address, attributes2, accuracy, network, attributes
                FROM public.tc_positions where deviceid=98743
                order by id desc limit 1

But it take a long to excute for this simple query maybe locking ???


SELECT id, protocol, deviceid, servertime, devicetime, fixtime, valid, latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, course, address, attributes2, accuracy, network, attributes
                FROM public.tc_positions where deviceid=98743

       and fixtime between '2019-05-05 14:08:22' and '2019-09-06 14:08:22'


table ::

-- Table: public.tc_positions

CREATE TABLE public.tc_positions
    id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('tc_positionsne_id_seq'::regclass),
    protocol character varying(128) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    deviceid integer NOT NULL,
    servertime timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
    devicetime timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    fixtime timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    valid boolean NOT NULL,
    latitude double precision NOT NULL,
    longitude double precision NOT NULL,
    altitude double precision NOT NULL,
    speed double precision NOT NULL,
    course double precision NOT NULL,
    address character varying(512) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    attributes2 character varying(4000) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    accuracy double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    network character varying(4000) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    attributes jsonb,
    CONSTRAINT fk_positions_deviceid FOREIGN KEY (deviceid)
        REFERENCES public.tc_devices (id) MATCH SIMPLE
TABLESPACE pg_default;

ALTER TABLE public.tc_positions
    OWNER to postgres;

-- Index: device_id_id

CREATE INDEX device_id_id
    ON public.tc_positions USING btree
    (id DESC, deviceid)
    TABLESPACE pg_default;

ALTER TABLE public.tc_positions
    CLUSTER ON device_id_id;

-- Index: device_id_idx2

CREATE INDEX device_id_idx2
    ON public.tc_positions USING btree
    TABLESPACE pg_default;

-- Index: deviceid_fixtime

CREATE INDEX deviceid_fixtime
    ON public.tc_positions USING btree
    (deviceid, fixtime)
    TABLESPACE pg_default;

-- Index: devicevalidtime2

CREATE INDEX devicevalidtime2
    ON public.tc_positions USING btree
    (deviceid, devicetime, valid)
    TABLESPACE pg_default;

-- Index: fixture

    ON public.tc_positions USING btree
    (fixtime, deviceid, valid)
    TABLESPACE pg_default;

-- Index: tc_positions_devicetime_idx2

-- DROP INDEX public.tc_positions_devicetime_idx2;

CREATE INDEX tc_positions_devicetime_idx2
    ON public.tc_positions USING btree
    (devicetime DESC)
    TABLESPACE pg_default;

thank you

您需要tc_devices.positionid上的索引来提高查询 1 的性能。

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