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syntax error in kubernetes pod.yaml running shell command

Team, I have a working command but cannot figure out the syntax to run from pod.yaml. any hint?

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: count_mounts
    purpose: demonstrate_command
  - name: command-demo-container
    image: debian
    command: ["/bin/bash"]
    args: ["-c", echo $HOSTNAME && mount | grep -Ec '/dev/sd.*\<csi' | awk '$0 <= 64  { print "Mounts are less than 64, that is found", $0 ;} $0 > 64  { print "Mounts are more than 64", $0 ;}']
  restartPolicy: OnFailure


> here I enclosed whole command in double quotes
error: error parsing /home/pod.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 14: found unknown escape character

> here I left whole command as is
error: error parsing /home/pod.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 16: found unexpected end of stream

expected output:

Mounts are less than 64, that is found 0

on local system without pod

└─ $ ▶ echo $HOSTNAME && mount | grep -Ec '/dev/sd.*\<csi' | awk '$0 <= 64  { print "Mounts are less than 64, that is found", $0 ;} $0 > 64  { print "Mounts are more than 64", $0 ;}'

Mounts are less than 64, that is found 0

I got around with this with below approach but would definitely like to know how to use nested quotes?

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: command-demo
    purpose: demonstrate-command
  - name: command-demo-container
    image: debian
    command: ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
      - |
        echo $HOSTNAME && mount | grep -Ec '/dev/sd.*\<csi' | awk '$0 <= 64  { print "Mounts are less than 64, that is found", $0 ;} $0 > 64  { print "Mounts are more than 64", $0 ;}'
  restartPolicy: OnFailure

resulted output:

kubectl logs pod/command-demo
Mounts are less than 64, that is found 0

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