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robotframework doesn't see the xpath

I have a problem for these elements (adresse email and mot de passe please look the picture) I explain I take the xpath for these eleemnts in website after in variables I create locator like this

pages_elements.add(name="emailcpte"           , type="element",        locator='//*[@id="autofill-form"]/screen-register/p[3]/input')
pages_elements.add(name="mdpcpte"             , type="element",        locator='//*[@id="autofill-form"]/screen-register/p[4]/input')

but when I run the test case I have always the same error:

Element '//*[@id="autofill-form"]/screen-register/p[4]/input' not visible after 10 seconds."

I don't understand why please can you help me ?

I don't use python and roboframework since long time maybe its a stupid or easy question, if it is the case sorry

My env:

Python 3.7.0


布赖恩·奥克利(Brian Oakley)您是 iframe 中的正确元素,抱歉,只需在 xpath 确定后选择 iframe

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