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Parameter expansion in substitution modifier

Let x be a parameter initialized as follows:

x=("drink/beer" "drink/whine" "drink/boooze")

Suppose there are also parameters y and z , with y="drink" amd z="buy" , respectively. For each word in x , I want to substitute the portion that machtes y with z . Expected output , hence, is

buy/beer buy/whine buy/boooze

I though the following code would do so:

print ${x:s/${y}/${z}}

However, it does not work. The "drink" substrings are not substituted and I could find the reason in themodifier documentation :

The s/l/r/ substitution works as follows [...] When used in a history expansion, which occurs before any other expansions, l and r are treated as literal strings

This means, that in my attempt zsh literally searchs for "${y}", which is of course not to be found. Is there another way the accomplish my goal, without using an explicite loop?

Parameter expansion has its own replacement syntax, separate from the history modification operators.

% print ${x/$y/$z}
buy/beer buy/whine buy/boooze

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