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.NET Library class in vba - multi level domain object

I'm using .NET Library class in Excel VBA. It works. I can compile and register it by RegAsm. Using the Intercaces in .Net and COM attributes like ([InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIDispatch)]) , generally i see methods and objects in VBA Intelisence and I can use it

But ... I would like to use a complex multi-level object domain. Get it by some method and i have problem with list of child objects as a property of parent object.

My Method in C#

    public object GetParentWithChildList()
        var parent = new Parent
            ParentName = "John",
            Children = new List<object>
                new Child {ChildName = "Tom"},
                new Child {ChildName = "Brian"},
                new Child {ChildName = "Eva"}
        return parent;

    public class Parent
        public string ParentName { get; set; }
        public object[] Children { get; set; }
    public class Child
        public string ChildName { get; set; }

object[] , I think is the best way to return list of objects for VBA/VB6 It works when i have 1 level object. eg i would like to return just list of objects. object[] wokrs better than Child[] or List

And in VBA it works only partially:

(Main object calls LibDataAccess)

Sub GetParentWithChildListVbaTest()
Dim qda As LibDataAccess
Dim parent As parent

Set qda = New QgeDataAccess
Set parent = qda.GetParentWithChildList()

Debug.Print (parent.ParentName)   ' Works OK - it returns John

Dim child As child
Set child = parent.Children(0)     ' This line returns error: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
Debug.Print (parent.Children(0).ChildName)
End Sub

My questions are: How to return an object with a list of subobjects as a property (prepared in .NET for VBA ) ? Do I have the wrong code in C # or in VBA ?

Ok, I have solution. Code in VBA had mistakes not in C#

instead of this:

Dim child As child
Set child = parent.Children(0)  
Debug.Print (parent.Children(0).ChildName)

should be something like this:

Dim child As child
children = parent.Children 
Set child = children(0)
Debug.Print (child.ChildName)

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