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OpenGL can't find some uniform variables

I'm working on a lighting system for OpenGL and for some reason, OpenGL can't find some uniform variables that I use in the fragment shader. The variables names are reflection and useReflectionMap and this is my fragment shader:

#version 330 core

out vec4 color;

in vec3 Vertex;
in vec2 UV;
in vec3 Normal;

uniform sampler2D tex;
uniform vec3 viewPos;

const float linear = 0.09f;
const float quadratic = 0.032f;

const float specularStrength = 1.0f;
const vec3 ambientLight = vec3(0.2f);

struct LightSourceData {
    vec3 lightColor;
    vec3 lightPos;

uniform LightSourceData lights[30];
uniform int validObjects;
uniform int reflection;
uniform int useReflectionMap;
uniform sampler2D reflectionMap;

void main() {
    vec3 result = vec3(0.0f);

    color = vec4(viewPos, 1.0f);

    for(int i = 0; i < validObjects; i++) {
        vec3 normal = normalize(Normal);

        vec3 lightDir = normalize(lights[i].lightPos - Vertex);
        vec3 diffuse = max(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0) * lights[i].lightColor;

        vec3 viewDir = normalize(viewPos - Vertex);
        vec3 reflectDir = reflect(-lightDir, normal);

        vec3 specular;
        if(useReflectionMap == 0) {
            specular = specularStrength * pow(max(dot(viewDir, reflectDir), 0.0), reflection) * lights[i].lightColor;
        else {
            vec3 ref = texture(reflectionMap, UV).xyz;
            specular = specularStrength * pow(max(dot(viewDir, reflectDir), 0.0), (ref.x + ref.y + ref.z) / 3.0f * 64) * lights[i].lightColor;

        float dist = length(lights[i].lightPos - Vertex);
        float attenuation = 1.0 / (linear * dist + quadratic * (dist * dist));

        result += (diffuse + specular) * attenuation;

    color = vec4(ambientLight + result, 1.0f) * texture(tex, UV);

I made a class for UniformVariables, this is how it looks like:

static GLint getLoc(GLuint program, std::string name) {
    return glGetUniformLocation(program, name.c_str());

UniformVar<int>::UniformVar(Shader *shader, std::string varName, int *var):
shader(shader), var(var) {
    location = getLoc(shader->getProgram(), varName);

    if(location == -1) {
        printf("Variable %s was not found!\n", varName.c_str());

void UniformVar<int>::getVar() {
    glGetUniformiv(shader->getProgram(), location, var);

void UniformVar<int>::setVar() {
    glUniform1i(location, *var);

I'm calling the variables like this

reflectionUniform(shader, "reflection", &reflection)

where reflectionUniform is my UniformVar and reflection is my variable.

Listing all uniform variables of my shader yields this result, which seems to be ok:

Uniform #0 Type: 5124 Name: validObjects
Uniform #1 Type: 35678 Name: reflectionMap
Uniform #2 Type: 35665 Name: lights[0].lightColor
Uniform #3 Type: 35665 Name: lights[0].lightPos
//0 - 29
Uniform #42 Type: 35676 Name: projection
Uniform #43 Type: 35676 Name: model
Uniform #44 Type: 35678 Name: tex
Uniform #45 Type: 35676 Name: view
Uniform #46 Type: 35665 Name: viewPos
Uniform #47 Type: 5124 Name: reflection
Uniform #48 Type: 5124 Name: useReflectionMap

The problem is, that some objects used other shaders, that don't have the setup for lighting. So there was no real problem from OpenGL.

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