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Mocking Membership

I'm writing a custom Profile provider, but I still intend to use the default AspNetSqlMembershipProvider as my Membership provider. My GetAllProfiles() method in my Profile provider looks like this:

1    public override ProfileInfoCollection GetAllProfiles(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords)
2    {
3        // Get the profiles
4        IQueryable<Profile> profiles = _profileRepository.GetAllProfiles();
6        // Convert to a ProfileInfoCollection
7        ProfileInfoCollection profileInfoCollection = new ProfileInfoCollection();
8        foreach (Profile profile in profiles)
9        {
10           MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(profile.UserId);
12           string username = user.UserName;
13           bool isAnonymous = false;
14           DateTime lastActivity = user.LastActivityDate;
15           DateTime lastUpdated = profile.LastUpdated;
17           ProfileInfo profileInfo = new ProfileInfo(username, isAnonymous, lastActivity, lastUpdated, 1);
19           profileInfoCollection.Add(profileInfo);
20       }
22       // Set the total number of records.
23       totalRecords = profiles.ToList().Count;
25       return profileInfoCollection;
26   }

How do I mock the Membership.GetUser() call so that I can write tests for this method? Any suggestions or examples? Thanks.

I'm running into this problem as well

the problem lies in the fact that the method GetUser() without parameters is implemented as a static method on the class.

Whereas the Membership.Provider (when mocked) does not contain a GetUser() method without parameters.

By the way here is how I fixed this problem. I encapsulated the static call in my own class which implements an interface so it can be mocked.

public interface IStaticMembershipService
    MembershipUser GetUser();

    void UpdateUser(MembershipUser user);

public class StaticMembershipService : IStaticMembershipService
    public System.Web.Security.MembershipUser GetUser()
        return Membership.GetUser();

    public void UpdateUser(MembershipUser user)

Could you inject a MembershipProvider instance into your profile provider and, if none is injected, fall back on using Membership.Provider ?

public MembershipProvider MembershipProvider
    get { return _membershipProvider ?? Membership.Provider; }
    set { _membershipProvider = value; }

Your profile provider would interact with the membership provider through the value returned by this property. In your test you'd inject the fake/mock MembershipProvider instance.

If you instead want to just mock the static methods on Membership, you'll have to use something like TypeMock , I guess.

In ASP.NET MVC they solved this by encapsulating (wrapping) the membership functionality in a MebershipService. Which (for instance: through injection) you can then easily mock in your tests.

An example of mocking services... http://www.asp.net/learn/mvc/tutorial-30-cs.aspx they don't use injection though.

A nice example is actually the test project generated when you create an ASP.NET application. In the following code you can see how they mock The FormsAuthentication and Membership objects:

    public void ConstructorSetsProperties()
        // Arrange
        IFormsAuthentication formsAuth = new MockFormsAuthenticationService();
        IMembershipService membershipService = new AccountMembershipService();

        // Act
        AccountController controller = new AccountController(formsAuth, membershipService);

        // Assert
        Assert.AreEqual(formsAuth, controller.FormsAuth, "FormsAuth property did not match.");
        Assert.AreEqual(membershipService, controller.MembershipService, "MembershipService property did not match.");

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