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JavaScript - Function to change ul to display when checkbox is ticked

I have a javascript function to change a ul from display:none; to display:block; when the checkbox is ticked.

function toggleDelbox(){
    var dgcbt = document.getElementById("removeFromGroup")
       document.getElementById("remove-from-group-ul").style.display = "block";
    } else {
        document.getElementById("remove-from-group-ul").style.display = "none";

The checkbox can be found against every group that gets displayed - the groups returned are based on a search that results in an array and to display them with a checkbox next to them i'm looping through the array like this:

foreach ($result as $group) { 
?><input type="checkbox" name="removeFromGroup[]" id="removeFromGroup" value="<?php echo "$group"?>" onclick='toggleDelbox();'> <?php echo "$group"; echo "<br>";}
<ul class="remove-from-group" id="remove-from-group-ul" name="remove-from-group-ul">
<input type="submit" value="Delete from group" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the user from the selected group(s)?')" />  <input type="reset" value="Clear Selection">

So with this if I tick all checkboxes my ul changes to display:block; , my problem is i want the ul to display when ANY checkbox is ticked rather then all of them. I think my problem may have something to do with all the checkboxes having the same ID but i'm hoping i can alter my function so it looks for any tick in any of the elements "removeFromGroup", is this possible and am i tackling this in the right way or would there be a better approach?

  1. Your code can produce more than 1 element of the same id - please avoid this.

  2. if you would add class (ex. removeFromGroup ) to the input instead of id then in js function you could use var dgcbt = document.querySelectorAll(".removeFromGroup") then dgcbt would be a collection of inputs.

 function toggleDelbox() { var elems = document.querySelectorAll('.removeFromGroup'); var shouldShowList = false; elems.forEach(function(elem) { if (elem.checked) { shouldShowList = true; } }); document.querySelector('#remove-from-group-ul').style.display = shouldShowList ? '' : 'none'; }
 <input type="checkbox" name="removeFromGroup[]" class="removeFromGroup" value="" onclick='toggleDelbox();'> <input type="checkbox" name="removeFromGroup[]" class="removeFromGroup" value="" onclick='toggleDelbox();'> <input type="checkbox" name="removeFromGroup[]" class="removeFromGroup" value="" onclick='toggleDelbox();'> <ul id="remove-from-group-ul" style="display:none;" > <li>aaaa</li> <li>bbbb</li> </ul>

You could do like below perhaps.

  • This is a test
  •  .remove-from-group { display: none; } .removeFromGroup:checked~.remove-from-group { display: block; }
     <div> <input type="checkbox" name="removeFromGroup[]" class="removeFromGroup" value=""> <ul class="remove-from-group" id="remove-from-group-ul"> <li>This is a test</li> </ul> </div> <div> <input type="checkbox" name="removeFromGroup[]" class="removeFromGroup" value=""> <ul class="remove-from-group" id="remove-from-group-ul"> <li>This is a test</li> <li>This is a test</li> </ul> </div>

    Premising that all the ID should not be duplicated you could avoid using Javascript and resolve with CSS , by toggling only the first list after the checked checkbox

    #removeFromGroup + br + ul { display: none; }
    #removeFromGroup:checked + br + ul { display: block; }

    As a side note, the input inside the list should be contained in a list-item

    If you're going to change the id by appending a counter, as in my comment below, you can still use CSS

    [id^="removeFromGroup"] + br + ul { display: none; }
    [id^="removeFromGroup"]:checked + br + ul { display: block; }

    IDs have to be unique!

    Instead use data attributes, delegation and classes

    Additionally your HTML is illegal. You need to use LIs in a UL but then you cannot have the checkboxes.

    Here is an improved markup and execution. The form will be submitted with the group=group1 if the first delete button is clicked and the confirm approved

     document.getElementById("groups").addEventListener("click", function(e) { var tgt = e.target; if (tgt.classList.contains("remove")) { document.getElementById(tgt.getAttribute("data-id")).classList.toggle("hide", this.checked) } else if (tgt.type === "submit") { if (!confirm("Delete from group")) e.preventDefault() } })
     .hide { display: none }
     <form> <div id="groups"> <input type="checkbox" name="removeFromGroup[]" class="remove" data-id="group1">Group 1 <div id="group1"> <button type="submit" name="group" value="group1">Delete from group</button> <input type="reset" value="Clear Selection"> </div> <input type="checkbox" name="removeFromGroup[]" class="remove" data-id="group2">Group 2 <div id="group2"> <button type="submit" name="group" value="group2">Delete from group</button> <input type="reset" value="Clear Selection"> </div> <input type="checkbox" name="removeFromGroup[]" class="remove" data-id="group3">Group 3 <div id="group3"> <button type="submit" name="group" value="group3">Delete from group</button> <input type="reset" value="Clear Selection"> </div> </div> </form>

    Here is the PHP to match

      <div id="groups">
      foreach ($result as $group) { ?>        
        <input type="checkbox" name="removeFromGroup[]" class="remove" data-id="<?=$group ?>"><?= $group ?>
        <div id="<?= $group ?>">
          <button type="submit" name="group" value="<?= $group ?>">Delete from group</button> <input type="reset" value="Clear Selection">
      <?php } ?>

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