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How to get overall RAM usage (e.g. 57%) on Linux

I am wondering how you can get the system RAM usage and present it in percent using bash, for example.

Sample output:


If you are looking for a bash script, I just came up with this.

There may be more efficient ways of doing it but I believe this is what you are looking for:


# grab the second line of the ouput produced by the command: free -g (displays output in Gb)
secondLine=$(free -g | sed -n '2p')

#split the string in secondLine into an array
read -ra ADDR <<< "$secondLine"

#get the total RAM from array

#get the used RAM from array

# calculate and display the percentage
echo "$pct%"

if you save this into a file (call it pct.sh ), then you can run it by


Note bash does not support floats, only integers (IIRC) so the precision of the calculation is rounded.

If you need more precision, you might need to use a different shell that supports floats, like zsh

Credit where credit is due : created with help from: 1 2 3

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