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Electron: How do I populate a menu from a render process?

I would like to create a menu of favourite or recently opened documents for an Electron application. I can easily track these documents once they have been opened, but how can I dynamically add them to a menu?

What I have learned so far:

  • Create an menu in the main process:

     menu=[ { label: 'Some Application', submenu: [ { label: `Open …`, accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+O', id:'OPEN', click: send }, { label: `Documents …`, id:'DOCUMENTS', click: send, submenu: [] }, { type:'separator' }, { role: `quit`, accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+Q' } ] }, ];
  • Use remote in the render process:

     const electron=require('electron'); const { ipcRenderer, shell, remote } = electron; const {app,BrowserWindow,dialog,Menu,MenuItem}=remote;

I have the documents in a JSON file, but I don't know what to do next to add them to the Documents menu above.

I've been looking into this "recently" ;-).

It is a built in feature: feat: Recent documents menu item #11166

      label: 'Open Recent',
      role: 'recentdocuments',
      submenu: [
          label: 'Clear Recent',
          role: 'clearrecentdocuments'

And app.addRecentDocument(path) and app.clearRecentDocuments() can be used. Electron 8 adds this feature: dontAddToRecent to Windows showOpenDialog

I've been able to get it working on macOS though I haven't been able to figure out how to do the Application Registration thing yet (through electron-builder , I guess) which is required to get it working on Windows .

I also saw the code snippet below from here but I haven't had a chance to test it yet. Also, be aware that remote is going to be deprecated in Electron 9: Deprecate the 'remote' module and move it to userland

function updateRecents(path, clear = false) {
  const currentMenu = Menu.getApplicationMenu();
  if (!currentMenu) return;

  const recents = getItemByKey(currentMenu, 'recents');
  if (!recents) return;

  // Clear menu if requested.
  if (clear) {
    config.set('recentDocuments', []);
    recents.submenu.append(new MenuItem({ key: 'null', label: 'No Recent Documents', enabled: false }));

  const item = new MenuItem({
    label: require('path').basename(path),
    click: () => this.open(path)

  // If first recent item clear empty placeholder.
  if (recents.submenu.items[0].key == 'null') {
  // Limit to maximum 10 recents.
  else if (recents.submenu.items.length >= 10) {
    const items = recents.submenu.items;
    items.slice(10).forEach((i) => recents.submenu.append(i));
  // Otherwise just add item.
  else recents.submenu.append(item);

  // Update application menu.

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