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Will recursively-called variable be free or bound?

I am trying to have a better understanding about free and bound variables. Here is an example code:

(define (what-kind-of-var? guess x)
    (< (abs (- (square guess) x))

I see that bound variables here would be guess and x , and free variables < , abs , - , and square . What if I called what-kind-of-var? recursively? Would it be a bound variable because it is binding itself?


  • guess and x are parameters. They're eventually bound (to respective arguments) when the function is applied.

  • < , abs , - , are actually bound to procedures in the initial environment. So they're not free variables.

  • square would be the free variable, subject to the fact that what-kind-of-var? is not defined in its scope. (note that sqr is bound in the initial environment).

  • what-kind-of-var? is also not unbound, even if it calls itself recursively (assuming recursion is implemented properly in the language). (define (f param) body) can be seen as (define f (lambda (param) body)

It would, under dynamic binding, but Scheme has lexical scoping.

But actually it is neither. "Free" or "bound" comes from lambda calculus. what-kind-of-var? is a top-level variable , naming that lambda expression,

(define what-kind-of-var? 
  (lambda (guess x)                        ;; this
     (< (abs (- (square guess) x))

but in lambda calculus expressions cannot be named. The only way to call it recursively in lambda calculus is to use Y combinator:

((Y (lambda (what-kind-of-var?)                ;; outer
      (lambda (guess x)                            ;; inner
         (if (< (abs (- (square guess) x))
           (what-kind-of-var? (+ 1 guess) x)))))
  4 25)

and now of course what-kind-of-var? is bound inside that new lambda expression under Y . It's free in the nested, inner lambda, but bound in the outer one.

You need to read a handbook of logic or lambda calculus, there is the origin of the concepts of variable.

When a variable is inside a function and that function takes as parameter that variable, it is bound, whatever the function is recursive or not.

The idea of binding means that a location of memory is allocated and the variable symbol denotes that location. Not every bound location can be accessed by a variable.

In the case of free variables, there are many ways to bind it to something (in C language some free variables are bound by the linking process and some are never bound). In Lisp, there are many ways a free variable can be bound -- dynamic binding, static/scope binding, or in lisp_N , with N > 2 there are lots of different ways to bind a variable. But whatever the implementation of a variable is, the origin of the concept comes from math logic.

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