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regex--how to match a parentheses followed by non-digit characters?

I am making a question database, and the way that I've made the database is by splitting a string into an array of smaller strings, where each is a question and its answer. For example, the string I have looks like

var string = "(1) foo? ANSWER: fee (2) fah. ANSWER: feh"

The way I'm splitting the string into the array is with the following .match :

const arr = string

The regex in .match splits the large string of questions into an array of strings. The way it is now, the match starts at a opening parenthesis of the number of a question and matches everything up until the next opening parenthesis, which is the start of the next question's number. So the resulting array looks like

 ["(1) foo? ANSWER: fee", "(2) fah. ANSWER: feh"]

This works perfectly fine except when the question itself has parentheses:

var string = "(1) foo foo (faa) foo? ANSWER: fee (2) fah. ANSWER: fah" 

The .match function in this case makes a split at the ( in (faa, which throws off the array. How can I modify the regex expression so that it will match an opening parentheses followed by an infinite number of non-parentheses characters, but match a parentheses so long as it is followed by a non-digit character?

You could split using the position that asserts what is on the right are one or more digits between parenthesis.


See a regex demo

 var string = "(1) foo foo (faa) foo? ANSWER: fee (2) fah. ANSWER: fah" console.log(string.split(/(?=\\(\\d+\\))/g));

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