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Difference between Azure SQL Virtual Machine version and SQL Server Database version

Hi sorry if this question is confusing I have just recently upgraded one of the SQL datbases to Version 15 (which is SQL 2019) inside my SQL Virtual Machine. It is a different version from my Azure SQL Virtual Machine which is SQL server version 2016. I am wondering what the pros and cons of this are and if I should be worried at all about any problems. Upgrade 2019 SQL DataBase Azure SQL VM

edit: I updated the database to 2019 and it is not showing on sql server configuration manager SQL Services. I can see the database protocols (TCP), I can see the service through Windows Services, but it just does not show on SQL Services. I need that for moving my master.mdf file. I am wondering what the solutions to this would be is downgrading the version from 2019 back to 2016 a solution?

我建议您将您的 VM 中的 SQL Server 升级到 2019,或者如果它不起作用,因为您的数据库升级到 2019 不正确,您可以获取原始 2016 版本的数据库,并运行数据实验助手评估升级到 2019 年,看看升级是否有任何问题。

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