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QMessageBox and QFileDialog in a loop

I have a program that needs to check at startup if a path to project is set. For that I have subclassed QMessageBox , added some custom stuff (like spacer to make dialog wider) and I am calling QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory to get directory.

Thing is, user can click Cancel in QFileDialog . But I want user to be returned to QMessageBox to have another chance to set path or quit program altogether. To achieve that I wrote method loop() :

    while (true) {

        if (this->clickedButton() == setPathButton) {
            path = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(...);
            if (!path.isEmpty()) { break; }
        } else if (this->clickedButton() == quitButton) {

Then, I have a method getPath() :

    return path;

which I call in main.cpp :

CustomMessageBox box;
QString path = box.getPath();

if (!path.isEmpty()) {
    // save path, bla, bla
} else {

This works, but is this a good practice? I am specifically asking regarding this while inside which resides method exec() .

IMO disadvantages of your decision:

  1. Non-standard usage of dialog class. Put strange loop inside some GUI method and call standard exec() method inside it, when the method can easily be called in a standard way.
  2. Hide exec() call from "user" (another programmer)
  3. Dual, or even triple, purpose of the one getPath() method:
    • show dialog
    • flag that the dialog was accepted/rejected via empty - non-empty string
    • return directory path string

I suggest inherit QDialog (why message box?):

In Degister I put on form standard Push Button setPathButton and Dialog Button Box buttonBox . Then I removed "Ok" button from the box:


#include <QtWidgets/QDialog>
#include "ui_CustomDialog.h"

class CustomDialog : public QDialog

    CustomDialog(QWidget *parent = nullptr);

    QString path() const { return m_path; };

private slots:
    void on_setPathButton_clicked();
    void on_buttonBox_rejected(); // You can use any pushButton instead: on_closeButton_clicked()

    Ui::CustomDialogClass ui;
    QString m_path;


#include "CustomDialog.h"    
#include <QFileDialog>

CustomDialog::CustomDialog(QWidget *parent)
    : QDialog(parent)

void CustomDialog::on_setPathButton_clicked()
    QString dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory();

    if (!dir.isEmpty())
        m_path = dir;

// You can use any pushButton instead: void on_closeButton_clicked()
void CustomDialog::on_buttonBox_rejected()


#include "CustomDialog.h"
#include <QtWidgets/QApplication>
#include <QDebug>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication a(argc, argv);

    CustomDialog box;    
    int code = box.exec();

    if (code == QDialog::Accepted)
        qDebug() << box.path(); 
        // save path, bla, bla

    return a.exec();

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